About Me

Goring-on-Thames, United Kingdom
This is a blog about the stuff I get up to while in Europe. Check it out and see what exactly myself, Adam and Mickaela are doing!

Friday 10 June 2011

Lazy Friday

Well after yesterday's hustle and bustle, who could blame us about wanting to sleep in and spend the day just chilling. The fact that it is cold and raining also added to our general lethargy, although this didn't stop me from going through all 301 of the photos I took yesterday and put together the panoramas I took.

As for today, we just spent it at our house for the most part- watching tv, drawing and working on our laptops. We did take a walk across into Streatley and played with some horses we saw by the river, but the weather really didn't leave us with much to do.

I shall post some of the pictures, as well as a full account for the day, as soon as I can. For now, here are a couple of panoramas...

Piccadilly Circus

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