About Me

Goring-on-Thames, United Kingdom
This is a blog about the stuff I get up to while in Europe. Check it out and see what exactly myself, Adam and Mickaela are doing!

Thursday 19 May 2011

Thames walk

So today we went on a short walk across the bridge into the neighbouring village of Streatley. It is a really nice walk to do and afforded us great views of nature, as well as a good look at our own place back across the river Thames. We got to meet our noisy neighbours (geese) andsome sheep in  the park across from our place, and walked all the way up to Cleeve Lock, where we sat and watched a river barge make its way upstream.

Nothing like being out in nature, and it was good to get our quota of walking in for the day! We are gonna become walking machines by the time we get back to SA!

Here are some photos taken on our River Walk...
Our backyard! Our building is the white one in the middle

The 3 of us. In descending order of good-looks from left to right.

More photos of the scenery after the jump!

<--- Streately . Goring --->
Luxury Spa Hotel and a riverboat. Plush.


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