Yesterday was pretty interesting. Adam and I got dropped off in the centre of Southampton High street and spent the afternoon walking around trying to sort things out. We then went for dinner with Peter and Becky to TGI Friday, where the ribs are double marinated in Jack Daniel's sauce. mmmm that does taste GREAT!
This wonderful meal was then followed by a quick search through IKEA for furniture.
Through all of this, a number of important lessons were learnt.
1) Adam is South African and feels the need to inform others of this fact.
2) You can't get a job without a bank account, but can't get a bank account without a job.
3) Data = "day-ta", not "dah-tah"
4) Beds are ridiculously expensive
5) Adam cannot finish a Burger King meal
6) Adam cannot finish a TGIFriday meal
7) I will not hesitate to finish Adam's meals
8) IKEA is huge!
9) They offer free little pencils at certain stores, and I have now taken it upon myself to collect them. So far I have got Argos and IKEA pencils!
10) Free pencils make me happy :)
So that was pretty much it for yesterday. Glad that we starting to get our sh*t together. Hopefully we'll build on this great success today... To find out, tune in later
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