About Me

Goring-on-Thames, United Kingdom
This is a blog about the stuff I get up to while in Europe. Check it out and see what exactly myself, Adam and Mickaela are doing!

Saturday, 28 May 2011

It's harder to think of a title than write the actual blog

So it was more of the same yesterday, and we spent the majority of the day indoors, huddled up with books and laptops in front of the tv!

We did manage to fit in 2 nice walks to get in our daily dose of excercise though! The first walk took us up the side of the Thames, where we walked past various fields and saw some nice, modern homes. We kept walking and ended up in a neighbouring village, about 2km away from Goring. Along the way we saw a good deal of wildlife, including rabbits and pheasants! The most popular animal in England has got to be the dog - it is virtually impossible to walk anywhere without seeing someone walking their dog! They are always so well behaved, well maintained and friendly! Its really nice to see.

Some of the scenery:

We then took a twilight walk at about 9pm around the village and across the bridge, up into Streatley. It was also a good opportunity to peer into the bars along the way to see if any peaked our interest, but it was not to be. We did, however, start  a beat-box/singing session on the bridge which we found entertaining, but no doubt must have frightened whoever saw it! That time of day is always nice as we got to see the streets light up, and even the boats that moor on the side of the river for the weekend had fairy lights draped on their sides, creating a glow on the river and making the village even more beautiful!

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