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Goring-on-Thames, United Kingdom
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Saturday, 28 May 2011

My Library (so far)

So as I'm sure you have gathered by now, a great deal of reading( verb, not the noun this time) has been done here in the UK. It's a good way to spend the down time we have while still feeling like you have accomplished something besides watching a full tv series in one day!

Greatest Greek Myths

So this was one of the books that Lisa gave me as a farewell present. It might not be the greatest read or most in-depth look at the myths of Ancient Greece, but it was funny, had cool cartoons in it, and helped me in reminiscing with some of the stories we had learnt back in school! All in all, it was a fun book to just pick up and look through when you don't feel like doing something too challenging.

Do you know who I am?!
This was the second book from Lisa, and it was actually really good. Don't think its fair to say you 'read' it, but it was interesting to page through and look at the cartoons Zapiro had done. He manages to comment on so many issues in SA and abroad by means of his work, and they are works of satirical genius! It's a good reminder of issues that face society, which are often depressing and concerning, but presented in a light-hearted and comical way. It's always good to see the bright side of things!

The racist's guide to the people of South Africa
This little book packed a big laugh! Bizos gave me this book the day we left SA, and i actually ended up reading the whole thing on the plane on the way to England! It basically takes a look at all the different races of people in SA, and points out their cliches, giving the reader a 'guide' to the people. It was very funny and surprisingly accurate, and is a good reminder of how we all look at (and judge) others!
Things Fall Apart - Chinua Achebe
After all those interesting but ultimately light-hearted books, it was time to get busy with some serious literature. Adam ended up giving me his e-book collection of about 900 books, and I decided the next book would be one from that collection. I had often heard about this book and how highly it was rated, so decided to give it a shot.

Its a well written story of a fictional group of 9 villages in the Niger delta, and is focussed on the story of a man named Okwonkwo and his wives and children. It paints a vivid picture of tribe-life and a look into African culture pre-colonization. It portrays various rituals, customs and beliefs of the way of life of the family and the villages, and how this is ultimately changed when the first white men arrive in the area, spreading Christianity and their own rules and government, which has drastic effects on the lives of everyone involved.

It is touching, saddening and heartfelt, and really makes you feel a part of the scenarios it portrays. A very good read that offered something different to what I would normally read.

The QI book of the dead
This is another book that i had borrowed from Bizos and I had found interesting, so i saved it and brought it with to England so i could read it here. It is basically a book that explains the lives of people who are now dead. It may sound like a boring topic, but it is well organized, informative and features many different characters from across history. These stories are organized into the way people had lived their lives, and gives detailed accounts as to why they fit each category. It ranges from obscure people who lived extraordinary lives and only found fame after death, to famous characters who had more sides to them to offer than for what they were most famous for.

It is the type of book you can pick up and read every so often, learning something new and interesting every time. My grandfather always says that there is no point in reading something if you are not going to learn something from it, and i tend to agree. So for that reason, I highly enjoy this book!

Obviously no reading is complete without magazines, of which there is no shortage of choice in England. GQ is an obvious candidate, and the UK version is by far better than the SA equivalent. But if GQ is good, Esquire is better! If someone tells you otherwise, they're a liar!

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