About Me

Goring-on-Thames, United Kingdom
This is a blog about the stuff I get up to while in Europe. Check it out and see what exactly myself, Adam and Mickaela are doing!

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Sitting in the window...

Nothing much to report on regarding these last few days...

The weather has been nice and hot and it is finally looking as if Summer is upon us! This increase in temperature, coupled with my laptop's poor ability of connecting to the neighbour's wifi, has led me to start sitting on the window whilst using the internet. It's not the most comfortable position, but it does help with the heat and the wifi. And I'm pretty sure i look badass sitting on a window like a boss!

Yesterday Adam and I went to Pangbourne (to draw money) and we then paid our firt rent bill! We then just spent the afternoon walking around by the Thames, watching boats at the lock and enjoying the shade the trees on the river banks offer.

Today has been much of the same - little lunch at the cafe on the High Street, which offers nice food but not the same quirky vibe that the little French cafe by the bridge offers, although this is made up by the fact that they are much more reasonably priced... Adam and I then went and kicked the soccer ball around the park for a while.

Now we're headed off to the water again to go feed the ducks and swans and watch this nice sunny day come to a close. Tomorrow we're headed for Oxford again and plan to make a full day out of it so as to start of our weekend well!

PS: here's something cool for you to do...
PPS: hit the jump to see a bonus pic of this cool boyband from Cape Town. I made this pic of them my desktop background. Really awesome stuff...

Good Times - CT 2010/2011

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